
Showing posts from March, 2005

Finishing Up....

Another day reaches its close. The sunset was many hours ago, and I have concluded yet another day. I took care of all the business I could stand for one day! I will jump back into the jaws of stress in the mid-am...Hey, its hard to jump up at the crack of when you lie down at the crack Besides, all that jumping, someone could get I will just stroll out, and check my rearview mirrors for moving objects!! To all of my friends out there, I bid you goodnite, and hope that the morrow finds you all healthy, sucessfull and wise. Or at least awake! Lets just shoot for that now, and hope the rest follows:) I am off to the land of quiet, and the place of moving pictures...nice to have eyelids for the screen....was God thinking or what when He made us?

Where Peeves Get Off!!

Ouestion? Has this ever happend to Anyone Else? You are in a grocery store, a shoe shop, or in the general vacinity of outside of your own home, in some kind of public place(and yes, there are people there!) and there YOU are, minding your own business...or if you are female you are minding your business, your husbands, your siblings, boyfriends, your mothers, your neighbors, your grocer's and anyone else's business that you have ever met, come into contact with, or happend to "hear" (gossip) about! But I digress, you are minding your business, and suddenly you are being asked questions about products or services at the public place by invariably,someone too stupid to figure out that what you are wearing in NO WAY resembles the uniform( which is butt ugly) of the people that DO acually work at the store! What is that about?! I have one of those open, friendly faces that looks remarkably like a piranah when pushed to the limmit of manners. So, I tell them, NO! I don...

Crazy On the Prowl!

Strange Days. For those of you that care, I have not heard form the hubby (again!) today. If he doesn't call me in the AM my time tomorrow, I will have to put the Earth on Full Alert. This is not a pretty thing for me to do, and it is even less of a happy for him! He hates it when I panic( lets face it tho, he is in Iraq, so most probably, I am entitled!) For anyone who does not know, you should never worry about a BIG BAD MARINE! Yeah, Okay. Whatever Buddy. You should just be glad I have not parachuted my way to where you are, dropped down on you in the middle of chow, and said " How you Doin?" *Wink* *Wink*. I know people in scary places( Okay. Mostly my Mind, but that is a Scary Place!) and they will help a lil' Crazy Woman in her time of need. At least they will pretend too, which is really the same thing. Sorta. I will let you know if I maim anything in a effort to reach the phone in the AM and find his( so in trouble!) butt on it. For those of you who ...

A Super Highway Built in Queenie's Wagon....

A giant step( for me anyway) into the great big busy information superhighway....wireless internet service..yes, I am completley behind the times, but get off me! These incredible leaps into technology are scary and sometimes they take years to reach the area in which I live anyhow( at least affordably!) I have been to every site I could think of tonite just to see how fast it loads! ( insert insane laugh here) I love it. Plus it dosen't interfere with the monitor decvice for Mom, so double terrific reason to be crazy about it. By the Way Kreig, I am off to find the stuff you recommended I get ASAP. First I have a few(LOL!) things to take care of...minor things, like bills to pay, taxes to send off( holy crap did I end up owing!) phone calls to make, faxes to send, and packages of M&M's to send( see Conversations From Iraq for info on that!) So, I just wanted to let you all know that you will now be able to call me anytime with no fear of my being on the

A Cruise...Not of The Streets, but The Sea!

Ships are something I am none too familiar with. I can vaguely recall having been on a ferry in Seattle when I was very small, and some kind of boat that a friend of my parents had(Bill for you Brother!) but I cannot honestly say if I like them or not. I have been a land lubber for most of my life, so I am kinda excited about the possibility of getting on a SHIP! I am trying to imagine what I think would be an awe-inspiring look at one of the huge ocean liners that cross the least...I hope its an Ocean Liner, cause if its a small leaky raft, I know someone who is going to have some 'splannin' to do! I am exuberant, and am already picturing myself and Mom sunning up on deck, a cabana boy at hand, plenty of sun screen( as I tend to end up the shade of puce lobster when sun strikes my vampire like flesh!) and a cold beverage of some kind nearby, with ice melting. I am reading a book( yes, I am a geek!) and lounging peacefully...and suddenly I awake to the sound ...

Conversations In Iraq

Ok. I am going to explain what the usual and customary course of conversation with my Husband in Iraq consists of....for anyone who cares to know! Around 10 am the phone rings..not like it rings when just anyone calls, more like a Drill Instructor telling a newbie recruit to get with the program. I have no idea why this is how it goes, but i am sure some of you can figure out why this seems to make sense. I jump up, stop whatever I happen to be in the middle of, and usually try not to maim the Dogs, Mom, or more often, myself, in the mad and comic scramble to reach the phone. Which, by the way, is usually 9 million three hundred and 42 feet from wherever I happen to be when the summons comes in...Why is that?! Finally reaching the phone, clicking it on, and saying " hello!" with a snappy "Yes Sir" in my voice, I get the gentle tones of the love of my life....."Hi! Sunshine! Ahh....Payoff. From there it goes downhill rather quickly! I get the update on how...