Anger Management
Wherever I go, I have something to say to any and everyone who will,or will be forced, to listen. This is part of my Southern charm,and part of my loud, extroverted sassy mouth. I LOVE THIS ABOUT ME! So do ya'll so shut it!
However, since I live in Whoville,for now, there are people who find this either offensive, annoying, or just wrong. Tough shit! How can you people( Whovilliagers)deal with how boring and mad you are all the freakin' time!
I find that most folks today have this horrible habit of leaving their houses, bringing with them,a huge elephant,traveling on their shoulders comprised of all of their bad moods, bitchy personalities and whatever else they are pissed off about from breakfast that morning. Eat some freaking chocolate and GET OVER IT PEOPLE! If I want to deal with jerks, I'll go to the damn post office, as there are plenty for the pluckin' there. Ass%$#&*!
Its really ok to be friendly, happy, outgoing and even perky in public. I love a good curmudgeon as much, if not more, than the next person, but come on! Leave your baggage at home once in a while and just be happy for shit sakes.
If I can haul my red-headed,insane, stork-like, chocolate filled ass with my uterus hangin' out, strap in the mules and head into town and still be funny, friendly and make people laugh, and keep all my crazy crap in check, well, the rest of you have no excuse!
So next time I smile at you, chat you up in the grocery store, laugh loudly in the restaurant or run amok in public, quit judging me and just smile back, enjoy it and realize that you may have just lowered your blood pressure, relieved some stress, and had fun for five damn minutes...GET OFF ME!
Queenie...laughing atcha!