Flyin Bonnets an Garters!
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We lurched onto the wagon trail, ran headlong into traffic, and off we went. On the way to the Big City to see what kinds of havoc we could get into in 48 hours. We managed to piss off plenty of folks, avoid the law, and sneak thru most of this state and some of the next without losing our cool, our garters, or any of whatever sense we may have accidentally had in the first place.
First stop. Shopping. We ran thru the stores with mad glee, too much money, and not one single man who could have stopped us, even if he had taken his life into his own hands and tried. Never get between two women and their loot!
I managed to bring home some booty, and even some new fangled stuff to strut about town in. Sorry Guys, we didn't make the Lingere shops this trip. Stay tuned for that occurrence.
We gaped at plenty of scenery, flirted with whatever would pay any notice, and ate some real fine munchies.
All the chocolate rations were depleted within a hour on the road. I confess, I ate it mostly by my lonesome, as the difference between what I like to call my Vo-lump-tious figure and The Lady's Svelte shape can attest! Ah well, I like being the fat kid. It makes for better cushion in the winter, and in the summer, I am my own river raft. What could be better? LOL!
We picked up Little Bit( a coerced member of my posse, as he is too young to have an opinion one way or the other, poor guy!) and headed back thru a maze of traffic, long horns, deep ruts, and what I thought reminded me of the Oregon Trail! Backed up for miles in any direction! Sheesh.
We stocked up on the rations we can't get out here in the Boonies, mostly of the fermented grape variety, and we damn near killed every mule we had. Boy are they pooped!
I will have ya'll know that the "rented house" that we were kindly offered by my Bro, was still standing when we left, and that's my story. So there. Any damage that happened to result afterward, I cannot be held liable for. ( I asked my lawyers!) Insane laugh here!
So its back to the Mules, they were thrilled to see me, and crapped all over the place as a sort of welcome home gift; the Hubby barely survived, as his rations were low, I think I should have left a few more M&M's for him to eat.....oops! The important thing is, we blew off our bonnets, and waltzed right out of our garters in glee, and drunken hilarity. What else did you expect? We were off on yet another "Queenie" adventure!
By the way, officer, if you are reading this, I have no idea what kind of mule driving that was that you saw, but it weren't us. So there. Get off Me!
Queenie. On the run again.