Well the Lady is tryin' her hand at cyber dating...which is turnin' out to be Physco datin' and it seems that the entire U.S of A is interested in datin' her. Not that we who know her are surprised. If I looked like her, I could end world hunger, bring peace to the middle east, and get all geeks, nerds, and shy men laid. But that is another story.
MY FREAKIN' EYE has decided to puke onto my face, and in light of this occurence, I have begun wearing what I like to call, a mask. This way small children, innocent pets, and others are not driven from wherever I wander screamin and shit like that. Frankly, its embarrasin', not to mention, they usually point. So GET OFF ME.
Its not contagious, jest ugly as a mud fence in high humidity. So there!
In other news, I have to go out and drink. I must. Even tho I am on a diet. Even tho my ass protests. My mind is a corruptible thing, and I lost it years ago anyhow. GET OFF ME!!!
The Mules are in quarantine. Well, Lucy is anyhow. She ate the wall of my house! Yep. Chewed a hole into it. I have corrected the problem with duct tape, and it seems to be working as of now. Stay tuned for updates. If the wall should fall down, then you will, of course, not be informed, as I will have deep fried her, and donated her tasty flesh to KFC.
I am holdin' onto my sanity like a cow in a tornado. Life continues to throw rocks at me, but alas, I seem to be made of pretty stern stuff. The Mules and I are lookin' for adventure, but as of this post, we are holed up wearin' our masks, livin' in cages, and trying to thwart the fat cells that continue to plague this address. The Vet even says they are fat, and as I have yet to convince the Hubby to retire from Cookin' fer the damn creatures, this looks to be an on goin' thing.
I have heard that mules taste like chicken, and since the Hubby likes it soooooo much, I am not holdin' out much hope fer them. You'll have that. LOL
Well, this is my life. I have to live it, and you, poor creatures, have no choice but to read it with avid interest by flashlight, late at nite, while sittin' on the toilet for privacy( you sicko's) so the rest of the sane world has no clue you have an addiction. Until the next unavoidable disaster happens to me, or the Lady actually "hooks" up with one of the cyber physco's, I will bid you all a sane night.
Who are We Kiddin! LOL
Queenie. Ive got my eye on you!