Birthday Revenge!
I stand before you greatly humbled, and duly chastised for not telling the tale of my Birthday Debacle! Okay Lady! GET OFF ME! Live in my world for ten minutes, I dare you! On to the superhighway of my life and times. I am innocently trying to tune up, repair and reconfigure my Wagon( the new one, the Lady bootlegged my old there!) and in the process of this attempt, I am getting blocked at every rut! Why? you ask? My partners in Crime are thick as thieves and up too no good. Plotting against( or at least without!) Queenie. How sad. You think you know your Posse and then you find they know you better, and yep, you guessed it, you get surprised! I was mislead, deceived, and just plain lied too. I thought they all abandoned my for about a week, and then, wham! Surprise party for me! Diabolical! Really. I almost cried. It was so sweet. Never mind the fact that the Hubby was in on it too, and kept me busy, and a fashion victim for my own party( where you know their were cameras! ...