The List


You know you are living in the 21st century when you own a cell phone, and use it everyday. Admit do!

If you are like me,( and who doesn't want to be?!) you have contact lists that number in the hundreds.( okay, fifty, but I was going for drama dammit!) You most likely use your recent call lists to dial up your friends because their names are usually there from previous calls, and you not only don't have to dial in their number, but you can just scroll down and hit send on their name.( Are we a lazy bunch of techno-losers or what?!)

This is an everyday habit for me. I rarely have to go "looking" for any of my closest friends numbers, as they pop up readily available from my last " Had to call you for ten seconds, and chat about nothing,well something, I mean its me, so its always entertaining if not always about world hunger, peace or the moral decay of society; but here you are, in my phone and totally accesable, so I called you" phone call.

The other day, I picked up my phone to call someone on that "recent list".

I was looking for my Best friend, Clint's name. I actually had to go scrolling( gasp!) for about 45 more seconds than usual! He was way down on my "recent call" list. I stopped in mid push, and tried to ascertain why someone I always call( everyday, cause I am needy and annoying like that) was so far down in my " I love you and your important to me list." Some of you are alphabetical, and by virtue of your first letter of your name, I can find you as quickly as "scrolling", so dont shoot me emails about how peeved you are that you aren't in the "recent call" list. I don't need that kind of pressure for crap sakes!) LOL

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Well, close, I am still able to walk around and not look like I have a lobotomy, so my skull is fine, thanks for asking...

I went searching for his name, way down on the list, because of my Mother. She went into a seizure on Sunday morning, around 8am, and from that time on, for almost 3 days strait( with the exception of sleeping) He had been right here, by my side, helping me cope with her accent to a Higher Place.

That is what its all about, Boys and Girls. Friendship. Love. Support. Karma. Clint.

So the next time you are sitting around, about to call your friends, take a moment, and ask yourself: When was the last time they were beside you, helping you cope with one of the very worst times or best times of your life, being there for you in a crisis, or just hanging out with you because they can, and they want to?

I will never forget that morning. It opened my eyes and heart to a new and beautiful facet of Modern Age Living....If you are not at the top of my "recent" list, its because I have you at the top of my " I love you and you are one of my many dearest and most cherished friends list" And that is right where we all should strive to be in life.

Open your eyes, but see with your heart and all good things will come to pass.

Be loved. Its the most beautiful feeling in the Universe, and the easiest one to miss.

You are All on My List



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