Over the River and Through a Few Fences!
I'll begin by apologizing... Why pratel? Queenie isn't writing this so I'm afraid the adventures of cydermocle and queenies wagon will be a bit tamer this time. Instead the golden child (yes, mE!) is hornin' in on this action to give you all an update.
Momma saw the sawbonez(tm) on Monday and will be going in for diags on Wednesday. So if you all can muster some good thoughts I'm sure they'll be appreciated and felt. With a bit of luck Queenie, her wagon, and momma will soon be back at the homestead hoopin' and hollerin' like always.
Momma saw the sawbonez(tm) on Monday and will be going in for diags on Wednesday. So if you all can muster some good thoughts I'm sure they'll be appreciated and felt. With a bit of luck Queenie, her wagon, and momma will soon be back at the homestead hoopin' and hollerin' like always.