Molting's and Ponderin's!
Pondering the amazing results of my arrival home in one piece( well, two including MOM!) as well as safe and sound. Do any of you ever wonder how our Gaurdian Angels make it thru all of our adventures? I Do! I picture them asking for vacations and transfers something like this....
(To Saint Peter) I think..." Man, I gotta have a vacation from Queenie...she is nuts. Nice, but insane. I can't take her anymore..her sheer mental processes are molting my wings!"
(Saint Peter to Angel) " You Wuss! Get out there and do your job! That woman needs more help than any case we got. You are going to have to stick it out for at least another several hundred years before I will consider a vacation. Go forth, and hang onto your feathers. And stop Molting on my robes!" (aside to GOD) " He will never make it. He's going to end up as chicken droppings....
(GOD to Saint Peter) " Who is he watching over my Loyal Diciple?"
(Saint Peter) " Queenie."
(God) OH ME ! Tell him to keep at it until I find someone as insane as she is to take you think there is anyone?"
(St. Peter)" No."
(GOD) "Oh Crap!"
So anyway...thats about what I picture. We didn't have any trouble with the wagon, the mules are pooped, but then, I rode them pretty hard( if you talk to my brother!) We came home to two excited pups, and a house full of people that wanted to touch and feel and see that Mom was well. She is. I am, of course, reminded of why I live in a small town, as I am each time I go to the Big Sity( hy-brid figure it out!) but other than that I much enjoyed the visit part. Nothing like family to remind you of how screwed up you are, and how you got that way..LOL!
Seriously, though, I like getting together with my brother. He is a interesting individual, and I much enjoy picking his brain. No Pun Intented.
The wagons are hoed( stopped!) and I am glad to be home. Much to do over the next few days, catching up on all the crap that always piles up when you leave, which means that I will have to deal with the public, so look foward to some blogging to start your day. Dont skip the coffee tho....I am not that inspiring or invigorating!
G'nite my Diciples! I look foward to creating some food for thought over the next few days...stay tuned...and remember...always insert a insane laugh here, there and helps! LOL