I'm Back!
Okay, okay already. I get it. There really are people with taste out there that spend time reading, and actually want more of this drivel. Well, wait no more! Here I am to ruin your seriousness and create some snorting and choking laughter. Or at least get ya'll to quit posting anonymously about how I am fallin' down on the job. LOL!
The mules and I are alive, barely. We survived the move to new digs, and are tryin' hard not to kill each other over the lack of space we have. Well, honestly, I have plenty, but they seem to be sufferin' from wide open spaces with-drawls, which translates into a lot of whining, cryin' and unauthorized escapades when allowed outside to potty. Friggin' Mules! I'm doin' the best I can, GET OFF ME!
In other news, I work with a psycho old woman that needs to be choked. I think I am gonna snap and knock her down and break her hip. Or at least smack that sarcastic idiotic smirk off her weasel lookin' face. Seriously. Just do your friggin' job and SHUT THE FUCK UP! I DO NOT DIGRESS.
Queenie has been thru enough, and is likely walking a fine line between insanity and a serious case of I cannot suffer your stupidity any longer you dumb old crowing bitch-itis. That's my story anyway. Deal with it.
I am sick of winter, ready for spring, but rations are limited and since I am not allowing my alternate personality to have ANY goddamn fun, she is really starting to chomp at the bit to run Amok, amok, amok. With a bazooka. And a wagon full of booze. And chocolate. Nothing wrong with a little woman who's packin', smeared in chocolate, drinkin' wine, cussin' a blue streak and haulin' her fat ass around town, right? LOL
Now I digress.
So look out people. Its soon to be a whole new year,and with it I plan to give myself permission to careen all over town with my parts hangin' out, smeared in whatever the hell I can manage to smear, tellin' lies, sippin' tea and scaring the natives outta their skin. Yay Me!!
Now, I need a man.....
Queenie. On the Prowl Again. Woot!