Debauchery was everywhere this week! Old friends flapped their wings and landed in Whoville, new one's were forced by their Parents to come out and join the Circus, and others just wagon-ho'd in for a bit of moonshine and memories. I could not be happier, more tired, more sore in places I don't even mention here...GET OFF ME!
I cooked, catered, rode herd on, liquor'ed up more people and laughed myself silly.Amok, Amok,Amok!! Bro showed up on his Cyder-Mocle and gave free rides, Women too hot to handle wore skimpy clothing( ya'll know I loved that!!) and I watched more friendships flare up and blossom than my heart can hold love for. Memories were made, connections re-solidified and lies upon lies were strewn about like lingerie at a Bordello raid! Whoo Hooo!
Lucy and Stickers chased their tails, every other tail, and sniffed anything they could get to hold still long enough. Food from Coon-Ass Southern Women...Ok, just me, but hey, somebody had to help out these Damn Yankee's, otherwise it would have been hot dogs and burger madness! GET OFF ME!
I didn't get spanked, which, as my day of arrival on this planet is near, I was sorely disappointed ,but, hey, a Gal can only get what She can outta some, and the rest she must cajole! Must be off my game these days! LOL
My house was full to the brim with all ages, species,and enough liquor to float the Spanish Armada! I have enough food to feed some poor country that I can't get it to, so will have to wade through it with the mules over the next few weeks, but we surely won't starve-a-late at any rate. Snark!
Lucy is splayed out like a used up hooker on the couch, Sticker's is traumatized in ways she is too young to mention,or understand, and I am off to the Big city to deposit one of my Dear Buddy's on a fly you all over hell and creation contraption at 6am!!!!! so he can go get me some tools and help me finish more of my domicile to hold even more laughter, love, libations and lunatikin'!
I pause here to send out sincere, heartfelt and Genuine Southern love and adoration to all who came, danced, pranced, and forayed into the wild wild west with me. You are all the Best of the Best. New friends became permanent, old ones stole my heart again, and ladies, WOW! If we get any hotter, we will launch off this planet and shine in the heavens like the pulsating stars we are!!!
Yippee Ki Yay My Lovelies!! May we all come back and do this again soon!!!
Queenie. Southern Fried.