Shelter Heist
Oh My Goodness! Someone broke into the Mule Shelter here in town and stole the donation money, trashed the place and let out a bunch of the Meower's. Let's assume there are levels of Honor for criminals. What level do you suppose these jackasses are now on? Im thinkin' negative 25 billion( right down there with people who hurt children!)
The Mule Shelter just did a big fund raiser in conjunction( big word Queenie)with area elementary schools, and that was the money that was stolen. Now, yes, why did it stay at the shelter, instead of going into a bank, or a Safe? I agree with ya'll who are asking that, as I did too, but more importantly, WTF kind of moron steals from Mules and Meowers?
I mean, can you jest picture this plan?
Dumbass #1: I am so broke. I can't work, or do anything that is worthwhile to society or to my own honor to get money, so I am trying to think of where I can steal it from...
Dumbass #2: I am so broke too. I won't get a job, or deal with being poor in a smart or responsible way either, so let's see....Elderly Folks, Children, Convenience stores, Banks....Hmmmm....who to choose. What to do...
Dumbass Ringleader: I got it! Let's go steal from animals. They don't have chicks to impress, wallets to flaunt, or any desire for the important stuff in life, like big T.v.'s, beer, or bug zappers, so lets rip them off. They already don't have families to love, toys to play with, yards to run in, Wagon's to pull, or warm beds to sleep in, so lets take the only thing that they have been given from the hearts of sweet children, nice old men and women, and good parents trying to help! Plus, its almost Christmas, which will make it even shittier than usual, and we can trash the place for good measure, release the Meowers, which we think makes us cool, and then we can be SCUM for the rest of our lives!!!
Dumbass #1 and 2: Yay! That is the best idea ever! count us in!
Holy Crap! Stickers and Lucy are jest beside themselves over this,and they have an idea of what to do to the perpetrators when they are caught...but I like my idea the best!
Put them in the desert naked and covered in Honey. Stake them out spread eagle style, and cut off their eyelids so they can't blink or get away from the beating, blaring hot sun. Cover them in bees and leave them there!
Imagine that you are living on the good graces of humans, and that while you are getting walks, food, water and a place to sleep, its noisy, crowded, smells bad, and if you aren't cute enough, young enough, tame enough, the right breed, or color, or just easy to take care of, you might be killed. There are no children to lick, no warm greetings from your master, and you have no yard to run mock eighty with your hair on fire through. We have this same problem human to human! So lets treat our animals better than we treat our own. Start somewhere! They can't mount a posse and go after these wretched scum, so it's up to us. If the only thing you do it treat your animals well,and give time to the shelters in your area, then you are a hero.
If you would like to donate to this particular shelter, here is the information to do so.
Call 307-587-5110 or visit the website
Queenie...Roarin' Mad!