
Showing posts from 2009

Shelter Heist

Oh My Goodness! Someone broke into the Mule Shelter here in town and stole the donation money, trashed the place and let out a bunch of the Meower's. Let's assume there are levels of Honor for criminals. What level do you suppose these jackasses are now on? Im thinkin' negative 25 billion( right down there with people who hurt children!) The Mule Shelter just did a big fund raiser in conjunction( big word Queenie)with area elementary schools, and that was the money that was stolen. Now, yes, why did it stay at the shelter, instead of going into a bank, or a Safe? I agree with ya'll who are asking that, as I did too, but more importantly, WTF kind of moron steals from Mules and Meowers? I mean, can you jest picture this plan? Dumbass #1: I am so broke. I can't work, or do anything that is worthwhile to society or to my own honor to get money, so I am trying to think of where I can steal it from... Dumbass #2: I am so broke too. I won't get a job, or deal with be...


Well, the time finally came to add a new mule to my herd. Lucy was tired of pullin' the wagon by herself, and was ready to go on strike. Little did she know I was anglln' to get a new pup! Diabolical!! Stickers is now 10 weeks old, and full of all of the mischeif and horrors that come with tiny critters. Have to admit she is not nearly as devilish as Lucy was at her age, tho, I doubt I will ever get another that is quite as horrible as she was anyway! Sheesh. So far, my panties and shoes are safe, but the rugs are soaked with "accidents" Were working on that. LOL! Still too small to pull the wagon, but she's growing fast. Mainly, and I have to admit that I am enjoying this, she is making Lucy's life miserable. Pulling, tuggin', bitting, stealing toys, and waking her up at all hours. Good Stickers! Serves Lucy right for all the horror she put Mags thru when she was small. Lucifer!! So that is the latest. Hold yer breath for more schemes and revenge! Queenie...

State Hoppin'

Did You Miss ME? Sure if you did it makes you sick in the head, but that's the beauty of readin' this get addicted! Take something fer yer other issues, but keep readin' my crap! *LOL* On to current events. I went somewhere! No, not jest outta the house into the yard. I can't even find the damn GET OFF ME! I went to another State. Shut it! I can hardly believe it myself. I hopped a whirly- jig and off I went. Only bad thing was I couldn't take the mule as she is grounded from flyin'; Something to do with a cliff, a cape and a bird that suckered her in; trust me, it wasn't I left her at the mercy of the hubby and soared off into the blue clutchin my fear with both hands. How come my fear is always located below my waist in the back of my bus? LOL, it is! GET OFF ME! But, I digress as usual, so there I was, Queen of the Cold Cream Lagoon, hair shootin' every direction, butt slippin off my trunk and starin' at more folk...

Top to Bottom

Well the new digs are done and the mules and I loaded up and strolled out to store our crap in it. So far its been quite the adventure! Lucy had scoped the entire area includin' the neighbors roof! Crap! I went lookin' fer her and there she was...perched atop his house smellin' his chimney! It was a little unsettlin' as she really can't climb shingles worth a damn. I hollered at her but it didn't do much good. She gave me a look that said she had to deposit somethin' special onto her current digs, and I prayed the guy wouldn't look up and see her makin it. She came home at last, with a leer on her face and I must say, a lighter bounce in her step...uh oh! Dammit Luce! Well, truth be told I really don't care a'tall. I hate the neighbor anyway. But that is another story... GET OFF ME! We have survived the great flood season in our new home. 4 times! I like water, Lucy and Goldie like water, but none of us like it in the house. I had to get a bucket...