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Well the new digs are done and the mules and I loaded up and strolled out to store our crap in it. So far its been quite the adventure! Lucy had scoped the entire area includin' the neighbors roof! Crap!
I went lookin' fer her and there she was...perched atop his house smellin' his chimney! It was a little unsettlin' as she really can't climb shingles worth a damn.
I hollered at her but it didn't do much good. She gave me a look that said she had to deposit somethin' special onto her current digs, and I prayed the guy wouldn't look up and see her makin it. She came home at last, with a leer on her face and I must say, a lighter bounce in her step...uh oh! Dammit Luce!
Well, truth be told I really don't care a'tall. I hate the neighbor anyway. But that is another story... GET OFF ME!
We have survived the great flood season in our new home. 4 times! I like water, Lucy and Goldie like water, but none of us like it in the house. I had to get a bucket an start slingin' it out. I put Lucy on a raft so's I could keep her from frolickin' in it, but she punctured it with her teeth and shot across the basement at warp 30 with her eyes peeled back and a high whinny shootin' from her mouth...Goldie fainted dead away. I hooted until tears streamed down my face and then crapped out for the nite. Finnaly got the basement dried out, Lucy is on meds, and Goldie has been revived.
Stay Tuned. Ya'll Know we aren't done makin' mistakes....
Queenie. Throw me a life preserver!