
Showing posts from 2008


Queenie is gettin' new digs, and as a result, the mules and I are online checkin' out what kinds of stuff we can stick in the place. We are exhausted from this exercise. Now, I'm not plannin' on gettin' a ton of new stuff, but I want good stuff to park my fat chocolate filled ass on, so the few pieces I do get, I want to last. My brother tells me that my style is Victorian Bordello. This means that I like tacky, shiny shit, that is comfortable, used, and mostly found at Garage Sales and Flea Markets. Brass, Copper, reds, Gilt and anything overstuffed or feminine, I am all for. GET OFF ME! Just think...copper pots, gilded Gold chairs, Mirrors, velvet curtains, Red and Rusted Rugs, fringe, woods that flow like mountain streams, crap covering every wall in sight, and teapots on shelves from the bedroom to the office! Potpourri scattered all over the place, Candles flickering with warm light, lucy's whiskers on fire( Damn Mule!) and the Hubby screamin' in abject...

Be the Change

Visit PickensPlan

Friend Reminders

The older I get, the more I am forced to bite my tongue( which, ya'll know is nearly impossible for me, as shuttin' up is not a function my mouth subscribes too..) with my friends. Now,first. I have an amazingly eclectic bunch of friends, well ok, it's a menagerie, and I love each one of them. Hence, why I bite my tongue. We all started out friends when we were in our early twenties( which means we each knew zilch about life, love, politics and being fat! LOL!) and we bonded in our arrogance and desperation to have someone, anyone else affirm we were right and the rest of the world was utterly wrong. Now of course, I am no where near the same person, and my ideals, beliefs and tolerance( of which I had little then, except for mules and those of their ilk) have undergone demolishing, reworking, and ultimately, reconstruction. A hard fact of life, and one my Parents tried( bless them, to no avail) to teach me growing up was that the people I cherished then, were not going to ...

Smiles of Kindness

I want to take a moment or two to mention a very basic concept that I am finding lacking not only in my community, but sadly, in myself of late. Kindness. Ever stop and think about what you have done in the recent past that was just simply kind? Helping a friend without expectation, saving a living creature just because it was in need, or sending a thank you to someone for being your friend, or smiling at you when you needed it? Listening to someone you hardly know share a triumph, or just making time to stop and pay attention to someone else's life? I stopped the whirling dervishes in my own head recently, put down the chocolate bar; that sucked, but I did it, and stopped to ask myself " What have I done that was just kind?" I know there are some events in there that qualify, but were there enough to make me a better person, and more importantly, make someone else's day more fulfilling and sweeter? Hmmm... I went shopping the other day, at a large and busy box store ...

Scared, But Living!

I have been watching way to much idiot box, and that in itself is a very bad thing, but what I have noticed more than my own brains leaking out from the action,is that Americans in particular, and the world at large, are becoming a bunch of oversensitive, whining, bitching babies,that, while living longer than ever, are more afraid than ever to live! Time for an actuality check people- Queenie Style. If you wake up in the morning worrying about germs, disease and all of the things that are out to get you sick, fired, poor, injured or killed, then you should just crawl into a box and bury yourself. WTF? Why are you living in the fist place if you are this paranoid about dying? Get it over with I say. And save us the trouble of having to hear about your surgeries, accidents, paranoia and delusions that the world is out to get you. News Flash! It is! You don't get to live forever, and if you make it to the age of 80 in fabulous shape with all your own teeth, and parts and minus any vi...