This won't be one of my best posts', or really a funny one, but I feel as though I must be honest about some things in my life on here, and recently life has seriously kicked me in the face, trampled on my tender heart and left me in some difficult circumstances so I feel the need to spew. The Hubby, who got very very sick last Thanksgiving and continued to be ill and a medical mystery for the better part of a year, passed away at the young age of 61 on the 22nd of July, 2011. It was a stressful, shocking and altogether horrible event. Made worse for me by the previous deaths, also at very young ages' of both my parents...Dad in 2000, Mom in 2006. I had taken care of them both for rather long periods of time prior and it was no picnic to do the same for Steve. I would like to mention that for the most part,the Hubby stayed in what I consider to be pretty good spirits until close to the end. Then it was just hard for us both to cope. We were married for 9 years, and toge...
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