Scared, But Living!
I have been watching way to much idiot box, and that in itself is a very bad thing, but what I have noticed more than my own brains leaking out from the action,is that Americans in particular, and the world at large, are becoming a bunch of oversensitive, whining, bitching babies,that, while living longer than ever, are more afraid than ever to live!
Time for an actuality check people- Queenie Style. If you wake up in the morning worrying about germs, disease and all of the things that are out to get you sick, fired, poor, injured or killed, then you should just crawl into a box and bury yourself. WTF? Why are you living in the fist place if you are this paranoid about dying? Get it over with I say. And save us the trouble of having to hear about your surgeries, accidents, paranoia and delusions that the world is out to get you. News Flash! It is! You don't get to live forever, and if you make it to the age of 80 in fabulous shape with all your own teeth, and parts and minus any vices whatsoever then I'm really freakin' sorry for you! What the hell is the point of being alive is all you are going to do is worry, and take really great care of yourself forever? Thats like buying chocolate just to look at the freakin' box its in and never gettin' fat and sticky with it!
You are born. You will die. You don't have to get fat, or be lazy, smoke, drink or party, go outside or race cars, cross the street,cook naked( MY FAVORITE!), or have sex,or babies,fall in love, play sports, or go out to eat, go shopping, ride roller-coasters, of fly in a plane, or travel the world, hike, ski, run, sing, dance, swim, take a boat ride, or ride the elevator( or take the stairs)to the top of the Empire State Building, or bungee jump, or fight fires, or mine for gold, or get a tan, or breathe the air atop Mount Everest,or dance a jig naked, but quit trying to blame, screw up, and eliminate all of these choices for me, and others who are knowingly willing to risk it all and go for it!!! Crap!
Instead of trying to be as safe as possible, to the point that you don't live, try to live in a world of reason, and basic safety. That jar of Aspirin is never going to help your headache brought on by life, if you continue to make it impossible to open in the first place! Germs are life, quit trying to kill them all- go get a vacuum sealed bubble if you are that freakin' scared of them!! Some are going to kill you. They do not announce themselves to you prior to killing you. The common cold will not kill you. It will however slow down your poker nite full of binge drinking and junk food hoarding. Deal with it, and move on.
Live in moderation. Eat all you want, as you want, without starving someone else in your house, neighborhood or community by hoarding it. As for the people in Africa, and other nations that are starving, well, do what your budget allows to help them, and don't forget about the ones in AMERICA that are homeless, starving,dying and living below the first world standard. *HELP YOUR OWN FIRST.* Then offer some food, shelter and education to the rest of the world. I am not against that.
Pay for your Stuff, and try to be reasonable. You don't have to have a million dollar car, house, boat, and enough toys that you can't even use them all. But, in America, if you have the money and want to pay for them, Go for it. You don't have to live in a hovel of filth, that is your choice. Bleach is 99 Cents a gallon( for the off brand) you can be clean on a budget. I am my own maid, farm worker,gardener and chauffeur
( ok, there are the mules, but I pay for their room and board, and health care and cookies and toys, and gym memberships, so GET OFF ME!). I can barely afford my wages for those jobs, so I am not about to hire out for them.
Life is going to kill you, and you are going to die. You do not get to be born rich, healthy, poor, or fat. You have choices. You make them everyday, and what you choose affects you, and others. Start in your own home, with your family. Raise your kids if you have them. If you don't, the rest of us will have to. Use common sense about safety, and when bad stuff happens, try to get over it. Life is messy, and whining about it is how we got here in the first place.
Think about what you can do to live well, not forever. Indulge in fun, and take risks with an eye out for trouble, but don't reduce life to a sterile bubble that brings us all down. We are not drones, and making us become them is no way to live. There will always be war, and hunger, others will always have more or less, and there will always be risk hand in hand with being alive. Change your own lives before you try to make others do the same.
The next knock on the door could be someone telling you how to live, so be careful of the stones you throw today...they may smash in your glass house the next.
Queenie, gotta go get dirty!
If this is the case - what the hell were we fighting for? The safest people I know are locked away in the SuperMax Federal Prison on the High Plains of Colorado. They're safe. Want to trade places with them? I thought so...