Time Chasin'
Well my darlin' minions, here we are again at time change. Those of you with enough time on your hands, and who are crazy enough to keep readin' this stuff, know how much I hate this particular time of year.
Many people run amok this time of year, sinisterly remindin' us all that its time to "Fall Back". I just love this. My whole freakin' life is about fallin: into,under and onto somethin', so the last thing I need is some damn do-gooder tellin' me that time itself is about to knock me down and run amok on me! GET OFF ME!
So I am up, and I am moving( at the speed of the hare that lost the damn race with the turtle) and I see that it's just now 1PM....well, that's a lot better than it bein' 2 in the afternoon, me running late for whatever I was supposed to do and havin' to make a whole wagon load of excuses for why I am not on time. Besides, blamin' Lucy,while useful,is not always fair,so I get off the hook merely by sayin',with my own sinister gleam in my eye, "I had to Fall Back today, so you will just have to deal with my lateness and kiss my #@$!!! Insert insane laugh here...I live to get even, and someday, I may actually get there! Amok! Amok! Amok!
Queenie. Time to Go....