Sawbones and Gapers...A love Story!
Once again I am fixin' to be another year older! Yep, it's soon to be the day of Queenie's Birth! Hold onto yer rears, cause here comes the big 32!
Ten years of livin' since the age of 22. Whew! I'm exhausted, and the mules are sittin with their tounges hangin' and their butts droopin! Who can blame them?!
It's been one Wild West Freak Show this summer! Queenie got her very first visit to a sawbones. Crap! He came, he took an organ( no it weren't my heart!) and he left. Jerk! He didn't even let me see the darn thing up close and personal like. Least he could have done, seein' as how I had grown rather attached to it! And another thing, he didn't even give me a butt lift or a Tummy tuck. Sheesh! I paid him 'nuff to turn me into a Goddess, but, alas! He left me a Queen! LOL!!
The Lady deserves a lot of credit here, as not only is she Gorgeous, but a true friend indeed! She put up with me a pukin', cryin' ( get off me! When yer pendix starts to blow up, it hurts like hell!) and feelin' like the world was shovin' me outta here! Bless her stunnin' heart that matches( and exceeds!!) her lovely face. Whew! I was sure they were gonna slip up at the sterile box and remove all my appendages without askin'.
The Mules were worried they were never gonna get fed again, so they were sure glad when I finally came home. Mostly in one piece.
I still think my ass and tummy got the raw end of that deal. If'n you can cut me open and take out something thats been there since birth, why can't they take that which has only been hangin' off my body for a couple years? Don't make no sense a'tall!
Plenty of changes here this summer. I got a new mule, and she bolted! I sure hope ya'll agree with me that she is nuts! Who runs off from the lap of luxury to wander other pastures? Stupid Mule. We wish her the best, an hope her new Wagon owners take care of her. ~Sigh~
The Lady is finally(insert huge sigh of heartfelt relief here!) hooked up with somebody. Whew! I was exhausted jest trying to keep up with her. I gladly pass her over to Slow Boil! May they make each other as happy as they have made us!! LOL!
Hubby is off into the sunset again. He's tiltin' at windmills all over this country. But at least when he gets up there to work, they aren't shootin' at him and tryin' to take his hair! He don't have much anyhow!
The mules and I are carreenin' full throttle all over town, takin' out Gapers and locals alike( we aren't discrimantin'!)and every now and then we pause for a fill up with The Lady and Slow Boil. Lil' Bit turns 4 here soon, and boy! Will that be a relief. We can only take so much resistance to our relaxed natures. LOL! GET OFF ME! I'm laid back, when I'm passed out Drunk!
But, I digress. Summer is windin' down, and with it my patience to deal with Gapers, heat, inflated prices, and tacky garage sales. I got a Garage, so I wish they'd quit hawkin' theirs!
There is a rumor floatin' around that me and Hubby are gonna build a house on the "40 acres", and I will keep y'all posted. The mules don't know squat about it, cause they like the dark,and mushrooms. Really, they do!
Well My Disciples, this is the update, such as it is. We are busier than a Wagon Pilgrimage bein' chased by Injun's; and Lucy jest hacked up some godforsaken' muck on the carpet(Holy Shit, I hope!) so I gotta go! Insert insane grimace here!
Queenie. Rollin' out, and Headin' 'Round the Bend!
Posted by april at 11:44 AM | Comments (0)