Reckless Ruinations
Well hold everythin'! Whoa Nellie,Bullah and Gert! Guess who's sellin ad's on the rad-e oh? Queenie of Course!
I lubed up the wagon, put on my go to meetin' duds and went fer an interviewin'. I managed NOT to hurt the mules in the process of jiggin' after they gave me the gig. Boy, was I excited! Okay, really I was scared spitless, but I hid it well. Get Off Me!
So here I go...out into the world of sellin air!LOL... I should do great. Nothin' like sellin that which is not there...I do that evry' day on this here site. Insert insane laugh here!
SO! As to yer burnin' question's about iffin' I'm gonna acually be on the radio...give it time....the Lady an' I are plottin' and schemin' on that idea. Look out....Her laugh meets my hijinks and the world will never be the same...but that's pretty much what were after here. Changin' the world one "GET OFF ME!" at a time....
Well, gotta load up and head fer the Cabin...time is a wastin' and I gotta lot to get done.
Cowgirl up folks. Wipe yer face, and stop sniggerin', even the Queenie needs her beauty rest....Chocolate is strung out from one end of my face to places the Lord didn't even intend fer me to have!
Queenie. Off On Another Mad-Cap Muddle of Her Own Makin'!
Nitey-nite kids!