Nonstop Crazy and Lovin' It!
![lil_devil-thumb.jpg]( Devil Made me Do it./lil_devil-thumb-thumb.jpg)
There is a song out, called " As good Once As I Ever Was" Its by Toby Keith. Its a good song, but it doesn't even come close to my life. I was never good once, so how I ask, can I be as good once as I ever was, if I never was good once? Confused? Me too.
I am a sassy, mouthy( and yes, it gets me into trouble occasionally) Woman, that just dosen't give a shit what ppl think in the first place, so I have this tendency to say what I think, when I think it. Get Off Me, being a case in point. I have really low blood pressure because of this, so I am healthy due to this fact of my nature.
I married a man 25 years and one Month my senior. Some of you out ther wonder why, and some of you are wemon, and you have met my husband, and you don't have to wonder, you know. Now, if you are reading this drivel on a regular basis( you know you are, how could you get by with out your Queenie fix!) then you know that I recently turned thirty. Therefore, if you are not a prodigy of the "new math" system ruining check out clerks from making change nation wide, you have now realized my Man is 56 years old. Crap! But its not how it seems at first glance.
To start with, he is poor. Well, we are not living in a cardboard box or anything, mostly cause I own a house, but he is no Sugar Daddy. Damnit. Proof we never listen to our parents about how its just as easy to marry a rich man, as a poor one. I married for love. Jeez. How idealistic of me huh? Well, there is more to life than Money. Okay, if you have none, there is not that much, but I would still like to think I am rich in the intangible things like love, tenderness, honesty,( come on, have I not spewed all this crap out for your entertainment?) and values. I have fidelity, mutual respect and integrity in the sphere of my world. Good thing too, cause have you turned on a T.V, or listened to the news lately? Jeez.
But, I digress. I have what most Wemon out there claim they want, when really its just the money and the "material things" they are after. Securtiy is not things. Its the knowledge that you have a safe harbor to come home too, and someone who knows you deeply, and will still talk to you in spite of that. I know, cause I am a nut. I mean a bonafide, walking, talking, crazy white nut. I make no excuses for it. I blame it solely on my Parents. The fact that I can live in reality, and still function, and also have friends, is a miracle. Really.
The fact that I am out on the loose, under my own reconisannce, is a wonder. Scary.
So, the reasons I am married to a Man that is a quarter century older than me is simple. I am young and hot, of course. Where else did you think this was headed? LOL
As Good as I once Was, is a state of mind. I am as good as I wanna be, when I wanna be good, for as long as I can stand to be good. In the case of my marriage, I am good all the time. In everything else , look out, I can shift at any time, and likely will. Bad habits are not bad, they are the reasons we left home, why we are the way we are, and the real reason we find other people facinating enough to call.....Friends.
So, if you are as good once, as you ever were, then I applaud you. I am as good in what I choose once, as I ever wanna be, for as long as I can stand to be. Confused? Me too.
Wemon, and Men out there get bogged down in the useless pondering of what life is all about, where they are headed, what makes them happy, and why they are here. I am here for purely entertainment purposes. I know it, I love it, and I relish each and every day I get to be me, whatever me happens to want to be that day. I am as good once, twice, or more as anyone has reason to be.
I never was good once, but who wants to be good all the time anyway?
Okay. Enough crap for one day. Go forth and be good, bad, or just fun for at least today. Who knows if tomorrow is even coming? Get out there and live.
And dont call me and ask WTF this was about. I dont know, and if I dont know, then neither do you, so GET OFF ME!
Crazy Queenie. OUT!