
Showing posts from June, 2012
I cannot, in all honesty, take it anymore. I feel compelled, on behalf of all tall American People, to share the following Rules on How to Treat Tall Folks. Let me begin by admitting just how freakin' tall I am, so I don't have to answer that mind numbing annoying question. I am 5' 11" tall. No,really. I measured. With a friggin' tape measure and a spotter!( I needed one so that they could verify this for Or somethin'. I forget, but there was a person that was not me, and there was no chocolate or liquor until after we completed the task.) GET OFF ME! For real. I actually AM REALLY 5 Feet 11 inches tall. That's it! From the Tip of my damn toes to the top of my pinhead. I am so sick and Hell-fired tired of people randomly asking me, no matter where the Hell I am, what the hell I'm doing,or who I'm with,"How tall are you??." I tell them through clenched, grinding teeth, with a smile on my face( which is ...