State Hoppin'
Did You Miss ME? Sure if you did it makes you sick in the head, but that's the beauty of readin' this get addicted! Take something fer yer other issues, but keep readin' my crap! *LOL* On to current events. I went somewhere! No, not jest outta the house into the yard. I can't even find the damn GET OFF ME! I went to another State. Shut it! I can hardly believe it myself. I hopped a whirly- jig and off I went. Only bad thing was I couldn't take the mule as she is grounded from flyin'; Something to do with a cliff, a cape and a bird that suckered her in; trust me, it wasn't I left her at the mercy of the hubby and soared off into the blue clutchin my fear with both hands. How come my fear is always located below my waist in the back of my bus? LOL, it is! GET OFF ME! But, I digress as usual, so there I was, Queen of the Cold Cream Lagoon, hair shootin' every direction, butt slippin off my trunk and starin' at more folk...