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Well the new digs are done and the mules and I loaded up and strolled out to store our crap in it. So far its been quite the adventure! Lucy had scoped the entire area includin' the neighbors roof! Crap! I went lookin' fer her and there she was...perched atop his house smellin' his chimney! It was a little unsettlin' as she really can't climb shingles worth a damn. I hollered at her but it didn't do much good. She gave me a look that said she had to deposit somethin' special onto her current digs, and I prayed the guy wouldn't look up and see her makin it. She came home at last, with a leer on her face and I must say, a lighter bounce in her step...uh oh! Dammit Luce! Well, truth be told I really don't care a'tall. I hate the neighbor anyway. But that is another story... GET OFF ME! We have survived the great flood season in our new home. 4 times! I like water, Lucy and Goldie like water, but none of us like it in the house. I had to get a bucket...