Friend Reminders
The older I get, the more I am forced to bite my tongue( which, ya'll know is nearly impossible for me, as shuttin' up is not a function my mouth subscribes too..) with my friends. Now,first. I have an amazingly eclectic bunch of friends, well ok, it's a menagerie, and I love each one of them. Hence, why I bite my tongue. We all started out friends when we were in our early twenties( which means we each knew zilch about life, love, politics and being fat! LOL!) and we bonded in our arrogance and desperation to have someone, anyone else affirm we were right and the rest of the world was utterly wrong. Now of course, I am no where near the same person, and my ideals, beliefs and tolerance( of which I had little then, except for mules and those of their ilk) have undergone demolishing, reworking, and ultimately, reconstruction. A hard fact of life, and one my Parents tried( bless them, to no avail) to teach me growing up was that the people I cherished then, were not going to ...