
Showing posts from September, 2005

Biblical Camping

Camping is one of the things you do for your peice of mind. It allows you to commune with nature, live a simpler life, if even for a few days, and still bring all the "can't live without items" with you. Queenie loaded up the wagon with enough items to see her thru a month of camping, made sure all the bases were covered for the next three days, grabbed several friends, and rolled out at the crack of early into the great open spaces. What the hell was I thinking?! The wagon rolled down the path without any problems. Lucy was given drugs to ensure that no retching occurred while traveling, and plenty of rations were around for the two hour trip to the camp site. We had the wheeler, and the Camper and plenty of back-up. We did not pay close enough attention to the forecast. LOL The first sign of trouble occurred just 2 miles from the site. Lucy puked. Poor dog. She was doing so well, and then, fate intervened. Luckily, I had planned for just such a circumstance. Had towel...