
Showing posts from November, 2009


Well, the time finally came to add a new mule to my herd. Lucy was tired of pullin' the wagon by herself, and was ready to go on strike. Little did she know I was anglln' to get a new pup! Diabolical!! Stickers is now 10 weeks old, and full of all of the mischeif and horrors that come with tiny critters. Have to admit she is not nearly as devilish as Lucy was at her age, tho, I doubt I will ever get another that is quite as horrible as she was anyway! Sheesh. So far, my panties and shoes are safe, but the rugs are soaked with "accidents" Were working on that. LOL! Still too small to pull the wagon, but she's growing fast. Mainly, and I have to admit that I am enjoying this, she is making Lucy's life miserable. Pulling, tuggin', bitting, stealing toys, and waking her up at all hours. Good Stickers! Serves Lucy right for all the horror she put Mags thru when she was small. Lucifer!! So that is the latest. Hold yer breath for more schemes and revenge! Queenie...