Scared, But Living!
I have been watching way to much idiot box, and that in itself is a very bad thing, but what I have noticed more than my own brains leaking out from the action,is that Americans in particular, and the world at large, are becoming a bunch of oversensitive, whining, bitching babies,that, while living longer than ever, are more afraid than ever to live! Time for an actuality check people- Queenie Style. If you wake up in the morning worrying about germs, disease and all of the things that are out to get you sick, fired, poor, injured or killed, then you should just crawl into a box and bury yourself. WTF? Why are you living in the fist place if you are this paranoid about dying? Get it over with I say. And save us the trouble of having to hear about your surgeries, accidents, paranoia and delusions that the world is out to get you. News Flash! It is! You don't get to live forever, and if you make it to the age of 80 in fabulous shape with all your own teeth, and parts and minus any vi...